Sheila Charles BIRTHDAY BOY
I was looking for a birthday card
For an eight year old little boy
But in the two local shops
I have to admit, I had no joy.
I do not know whether
It was just a fluke
But the ages only went up to five
And I had a really good look.
That brought a memory back
About my dear old dad.
I know what he would have done
And it probably sounds a bit mad.
He would have purchased a card
With a 5 on it and then,
Written +3 next to it
With a brightly coloured pen.
But that wouldn’t cut the mustard
With THIS particular little child.
In fact it would probably just succeed
In getting him slightly riled!
I mentioned my dilemma
To a pleasant-looking elderly guy
Who just conveniently happened
to be standing quite nearby.
He at once suggested
That I get an 80 year old card
And then cross off the nought.
Well, that shouldn’t be too hard!
I decided though not to take the risk
So instead of that, I chose
A card with a dog on.
the shop had a couple of those.
I could write on the inside,
And if I put money in the card
He mightn’t even notice. Okay.
(I give my daughter the same card year after year
And she’s nearly forty, by the way!
Shall I get her a new one this year?
I think perhaps I may!)
illustration by ume- nori