Sheila Charles

a woman dancing alone or with a man


There is one programme on the T.V.
That I assumed everyone would view.
Well, at least, every woman.
Though some men might be interested too.

It’s called Dancing With The Stars.
Though I do have to admit
They have quite a job finding ten stars here –
That is pushing it a bit.

As a result it could actually happen
That you’ll only have heard of three –
A sportsman, a politician and a news reader.
Well, that was how it was for me.

Nevertheless I enjoyed the spectacle –
The set, the costumes, the crowd.
The judges, two nice one nasty
So the contestants are praised and then cowed.

Well last night’s show was nearing the end.
Who’d be leaving the show today?
One contestant would be sent home
While the other seven would stay
The first three couples to remain were announced
THEN everything went BLACK. No way!

Would you believe it – a power cut!
No T.V. no hearing, no light.
By torchlight I went to the kitchen
And found my candles and matches. Right.

With the candles in the container were two boxes of matches. Yes.
Would any of them strike? I’ll leave you to guess.

Luckily in half an hour the power came back on.
I immediately rang my friend Pam, then I rang Yvonne.

Neither of them watched the show so next I emailed my daughter AND
She’d not been watching it either. I just could not understand.

What were they all watching? Or, weren’t they watching at all.
I checked – two were reading, one watching sport. I was nearly climbing the wall.

Fortunately on my iPad, it came up on the news page, SO
I was able to sit back and relax and then I gave reading a go!

illustration by ume-nori

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