Sheila Charles DID YOU POST IT
Someone in the dim and distant past
Forgot to post my letter – for a week!
They didn’t tell me till I asked them,
“Did you post it?” What a cheek!
Maybe it’s happened more than once.
I can’t remember now
But I do recall that when it first happened,
There was an almighty row.
Since then I always prefer
To post my letters straight away.
I walk to the nearby letter box
Then I know it goes in come what may.
But these days I don’t get out as much.
I’m getting old in the tooth
So I’ve to rely on other people now
To tell you the honest truth.
I still have a tendency to worry
Whether they remember or not.
I phone them up or email.
I seem to be doing it quite a lot!
If I am actually WITH a friend
And they take my letter to post,
I watch them till it is safely in.
It’s not something of which I can boast.
Well, just the other day,
I asked my grown-up sun,
!Could you post this letter for me please,
And let me know when it’s done?”
He promised to post it on his way home.
Well, his wife had her smart phone.
She took a photo of him posting it.
Thanks. Good on you Joan.
‘Cos I got the evidence right away –
Sent to me on my ipad.
My mind was at rest. And the bonus –
A photograph of my lad.
(though I do have to live with the fact
That my family think I am MAD!)
illustration by ume-nori