Sheila Charles IT BEGINS WITH D
There’s a place where nobody wants to go
And it’s quite expensive too.
Can you guess where it could be?
I’ll give you a little clue –
It begins with a d and ends with a t.
Now you know where I mean –
Of course, it is the dentist.
Well, that is where I’ve just been!
A filling came out shortly after
I had eaten an orange wine gum.
Luckily the nerve wasn’t exposed.
That would have made me glum!
I took the filling in with me.
“Can you put this back in?” I said.
“That would same me some money.”
The student smiled and shook her head.
I don’t know whether I’m an exception
But I have a tendency to choke
And I’ve even had a panic attack.
Sadly it isn’t a joke!
I put it down to waring
A gas mask during the war.
Or was it because I was a breech birth?
What am I sharing this for?
Because, it seems, written on my notes,
It says there in black and white –
Technically difficult.
Well, I have to admit. they’re right!
All this got me thinking
How did folk get on years ago
When there was no such thing as dentists?
And no false teeth either. I know!
Take people in the Old Stone Age.
They’d need teeth to chew their meat.
So, if THEY lost all their teeth
How on earth would they be able to eat?
Perhaps I’m grateful for dentists after all
As caramels are my idea of a treat!
illustration by ume-nori