I am here having my eyes re-tested.
It is taking quite a while.
Plus, there’s a bit of waiting around.
Staff continually walk past and smile.
I had with me a dictionary of quotations.
It’S a pocket-sized one, NY the way.
It fits easily into my handbag.
I’d popped it in just the other day.
So, I started to read it whilst waiting.
Then the optician came by.
I had to tell him what I was reading.
Please don’t ask me why.
I added, ” I am trying my best
To IMPROVE my mind –
Hoping to make myself more intelligent.”
The optician seemed interested. How kind.
Then, not content with that,
I shouted, “Why? I don’t know.
When you’re old no-one listened anyway.
They think you’re useless and brainless, SO,
It isn’t much use being clever
Is it? “I asked. “Anyhow, let’s go.”
Two ladies, sitting with their backs to me,
Both turned round when I spoke.
One was elderly. She nodded and smiled.
She obviously saw the joke.
The other lady was a lot younger
So she wouldn’t have a clue
About what it’s like feeling old and invisible.
She’d have a different point of view.
But, I was glad I said what I said
Because ONE lady knew what I meant
So, it was definitely worth saying.
I left the opticians CONTENT.
illustration by ume-nori