Sheila Charles LIGHT BULBS

Your daughter moves out. You are on your own.
The first thing that goes wrong-guess.
You need a light there don’t you? Yes.
A kind neighbour has, in the past, helped me out
If I have a small job that needs doing,
Like fixing a kitchen cupboard door
Or if anything ever needs glueing
But, how would it look, if I had to ask,
“Could you change a light bulb, please?
I’m not allowed to climb step ladders yet
And it’s in my bedroom.” Would he tease?
About a week later, this beggars belief,
My tough, bedside lamp expired.
Was it the bulb or was it the lamp?
It was the bulb as it transpired.
And it almost goes without saying,
The spare bulbs were out of reach,
In a top kitchen cupboard, with other things,
Like oven cleaners and bleach!
I’d to manoeuvre them down with tongs.
I luckily had two of each –
Because what I wasn’t to know was
That the first bulb I tried was a dud
So I thought the lamp must be faulty.
I chucked it in the bin with a thud.
I got the second lamp out of its box.
I decided to try bulb number two.
It worked so I retrieved the first lamp.
Fortunately I’d not broken it. Whew!
Then I couldn’t reassemble the lamp.
the lamp shade sits half way down
The stem with the bulb perched on the top
My friend will see it and frown!
Well, I’ve no more light bulb anecdotes,
You’re probably pleased to hear,
But I’ve still plenty of light bulb JOKES.
D’you want me to tell them? NO FEAR!
illustration by ume-nori