A man on a carpentry work.
A man is doing carpentry work.

Sheila Charles LITTLE JOBS

Just lately I’ve been getting irritated
By two adjacent cupboard doors that don’t close.
They’ve happily closed perfectly for the last thirty years
But not now – that’s the way it goes!

Because I’m not all that handy myself
I rang my good neighbour and said,
“Please could you fix two kitchen cupboard doors?”
He came round straight away. That’s Fred>

(I told him I had a too box
Through it handy lives up to its name!
He said he had some bits and pieces
And he’d bring them round when he came.)

I had an old pair of pliers,
A couple of screw drivers and
A few indeterminate objects.
I was hoping he’d understand.

He said he needed a pencil to mark the door.
I provided THAT straight way.
And then he added, “Would you happen to have
An electric drill?” I said, “EH?”

Then I just burst out laughing.
(I wonder whether, on his way home
He had a bit of a moan and groan?)

Fred only had enough bits to fix one door
But it wasn’t too much of a bind.
I found just the one door being ajar
Was something I didn’t really mind.
I was just so extremely grateful
Having a neighbour so thoughtful and kind.

Then the next day, the second cupboard door –
Why? I haven’t a clue –
And for no apparent reason,
Started closing properly too!
Do cupboard doors have a symbiotic relationship?
Well, it seems MY two cupboard doors do!

illustration by ume-nori

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