To cheer myself up, one morning,
When I was feeling down,
I bought an electric organ.
It was in a sale, in town.
I then purchased a set of books
To teach me how to play.
I’m only up to page fourteen, book one
To this very day.
‘Cos I found I could play by ear
So I didn’t need to learn.
I did it by trial and error.
It was a bit of a concern
Because me repertoire
Didn’t seem to increase.
I know about twenty tunes off by heart.
Jerusalem, my masterpiece.
If ever I try to accompany myself
When I am singing a song,
I find I can’t play as well as sing
As I get the notes all wrong.
I enjoy playing all the old tunes
With a few well-known hymns thrown in.
(It struck me that most of the hymns I play
Have a predilection with SIN!)
However, I can only play one tune
With both hands, I’m afraid.
I was so thrilled to achieve this
That I played it and played it and played.
(It used to be, many moons ago,
At the top of the hit parade.)
The neighbour’s dog is definitely impressed.
He must think I’ve made the grade
Or does he just hang round
To see what progress I’ve made?
illustration by ume-nori