Sheila Charles ONE OF THE GROUP

I belong to a group of ladies.
They’re not easy to get to know.
They seem a little bit cliquey
But it’s an outing. So I go.
However for the last few weeks
I’ve been unable to attend.
Due to an ‘op’, I am housebound.
It’s driving me round the bend.
Then one lady started to visit me.
(I hardly knew her at all.)
She’s said hello a couple of times
When we’d happened to pass in the hall.
Well, this lady knew about everyone
In the group. She filled me in
About all their business. Although I’m listening
I’m feeling as guilty as sin!
Did I need to know all the details
And the life story of each one?
She even told me about a woman
Who was now dead and gone!
Then finally she warned me,
“There’s someone you should avoid.
If she found out about YOUR life
Your reputation could well be destroyed.”
(I didn’t need this. I already have
A tendency to be paranoid.)
“Thanks for warning me but who is it?
And I’ll keep out of her way.”
“I NEVER NAME NAMES,” she answered
“But it ends with N AND BEGINS WITH A.”
illustration by ume-nori