Whenever I go and visit my friend,
Because she supplies the tea,
I always take a packet of biscuits.
It is good manners, I think you’d agree.
It is a habit I’ve got into.
I’ve done it now for years.
She makes sandwiches, I take marzipan biscuits.
I might add, it all disappears!
Last time I went, I called in
At the local supermarket first.
The lady on the till liked my accent
So the two of us conversed.
I did mention, “Please put those biscuits
In a separate bag.
They’re for my friend, they’re her favourites.”
(I tried hard not to brag!)
But unbeknown to me,
She had also popped in
Another packet I’d bought for myself.
I spotted it and gave her a grin.
“Good job I saw that in time,” I said.
‘Otherwise my friend might assume
That I’m going to start bringing two lots of biscuits
For both of us to consume.
Once I’d given her TWO packets,
How could I go back to ONE?”
Then I looked at the lady’s name badge, to address her.
I saw that her name was Yvonne.
She apologized for her mistake
Though she didn’t sound sorry, one bit.
She laughed, “I just wanted to listen
to your accent again, I admit.”
Isn’t it great when I just have to SPEAK,
To be something of a ‘smash hit?’
illustration by ume-nori