Sheila Charles OUR STADIUM
One adventure of our new stadium
Is that, wherever there is a gig,
Friends come and stay with me
In order to see the current bigwig!
Rod Stewart was very popular
And just recently, Fleetwood Mac came.
We were fortunate to book them
As for years they have had a good name.
So, last Wednesday afternoon
After my two friends had dropped off their cases
They set off early to find a park.
There wouldn’t be too many available places!
They’d been gone less than an hour,
Thrilled to be going to Fleetwood Mac,
When their car hurtled down my drive.
They appeared saying, “We’re back.”
“Was it a good concert?” I asked, laughing.
“Tou ARE home early. How come?”
“I left my tickets here in my bag
And we’d a great car park,” Joan looked glum.
However, they got a BETTER car park.
How jammy was that?
Luckily I’d lent them a warm wool hat.
I stayed at home in my cosy bed
And a gear evening I had.
I saved two hundred dollars –
I heard Fleetwood Mac on my ipad
illustration by ume- nori