Do you ever suddenly remember something
That happened a long time ago
And then you don’t know who to tell?
Well, I am going to tell YOU. I know.
It was a party game we used to play. IU think I must state here
That the church I attended didn’t condone drinking beer
Or anything alcoholic. I must make that clear.
So at any social occasion,
We all had to do something. Yes?
We therefore played party games.
I forget most of them now I confess.
the leader placed six chairs in a row
And six people sat down.
They were all given a paper with the pages in the wrong order –
The Manchester Guardian – from my home town.
They each had to get all the pages in the right order and then
Stand up and yell, “Finished.” Then the next six did it all over again.
Because the chairs were close together
It was not very easy to do.
And tearing the paper was not allowed
Neither could it be all askew.
Well what reminded me of this
Was that a friend gave me a thick plastic bag
That fitted into a kind of pouch.
Getting the bag in the pouch is a fag!
In fact, I’m unable to do it.
It is either too big to fit in
Or it sticks out three inches or more.
So it is either too fat or too thin.
I have tried folding it several ways
But the bag handles keep sticking out.
If I ever achieve it I’ll let you know.
There will be a jubilant shout.
Well it was trying to get the bag in the pouch
That made me recall that party game of old.
I couldn’t do THAT and I can’t do THIS.
It’s ‘cos I’m not practical so I’m told,
Whereas even your average three year old
Could probably do it blindfold!
illustration by ume-nori