It seems somebody somewhere said
That everybody should read
To Kill A Mocking Bird before you die.
Okay then. I’ll take heed.
Then I remembered I’m already listening
to a hundred tunes before I die.
And now I have a book to read.
oh, well. I’ll give it a try!
Then I decided to cheat somewhat
And Google it for the plot.
I typed in, “What’s the main plot?”
And THIS is the answer I got.
Somebody at Google called Jill
Answered, “I’m not sure I understand
Your question.” Then proceeded to answer it.
My wish was evidently her command.
When I found out what the plot was
I made a decision right away.
It seemingly was a sad story
About injustice in The States. Okay?
There is still so much injustice
I think I would just sit and cry.
Noting much seems to have changed
Since Harper Lee wrote it. Why?
The other book we had to read
Was the bible so I’ve read one out of two.
Which reminded me of something
Which I think I will share with you.
A Buddhist friend, thinking that
reading the Bible would please ME,
Started at the beginning – Genesis.
Not a good idea you’d have to agree!
(Disobedience, a murder
A daughter getting her father drunk – Yes.)
So I suggested to her –
I’m sure you’ll be able to guess!
“I’d begin at Matthew if I were you,” I said.
Well you try explaining why she’d to start half way through instead!