Why do I get excited when I read something in The Stars?
This week’s said, ‘Romance is thriving.’ Am I going to meet a man from Mars?
the thing is, this coming week,
I’m not going out at all.
One friend is bringing lunch on Tuesday
And I may get the odd phone call.
So i find it hard to believe
That a romance could possibly thrive
When it hasn’t even got started –
Unless Romeo could just arrive
Unexpectedly, out of the blue.
Shall I get my hair set just in case?
I’ll want to look my best
For when we meet face to face.
Oh no. I’ve remembered,
Last month it read, ‘avoid conflict.’
How can I argue with anyone
When all my friends are handpicked?
And I get on well with my family –
So that didn’t make any sense.
Why do I even read Th Stars?
I must be exceptionally dense!
I don’t think there’s ever been a time
When what it predicts comes true.
One time it read, ‘Expect some money.’
I found twenty cents on the road. Whoop-de-do!
Another one said ‘A travel opportunity.’
Oh yes. That was a plus!
My neighbour drove me to the doctor’s.
I usually go by bus.
Another time it predicted ‘A mystery person would appear.’
Two Mormons came knocking on the door. Why two came then was unclear!
Anyway, I told them both, to take a long walk off a short pier.
So, my New Year’s resolution is not even to take a look
Because it’s a waste of time and energy when it’s a load of gobbledegook!
illustration by ume-nori