Sheila Charles SAFE PLACE

The other day I asked my friend,
“Could you buy me a book of stamps please?
And I’ll meet you in the cafe next door,
Saves ME queuing up.” She agrees.

I waited. She came in and sat down.
“Did you get my stamps?” I said.
She couldn’t find them anywhere.
(She is such a knucklehead!)

“How many places are there
To put a book of stamps, Jane?
In your handbag, your purse or your pocket.
You are such a scatterbrain.”
(I didn’t call her a knucklehead to her face
In case she won’t speak to me again!)

She then related this story – How she’d recently lost a docket
Between the Warehouse and the bus stop. She was sure it was in her pocket!

Then I got to thinking that I am much the same.
I put things in a ‘safe place.’ I realize this sounds tame,

But often I can’t find the thing.
Which ‘safe place did I choose?
I search through each drawer and cupboard.
It is all bad news!

I put bank notes in all odd places
In case of a rainy day.
I’m sure, at the time, I’ll remember
Where I hid it but no way.

I often pop notes inside books
But I’ve so many books in my room
So when I come to look for the money –
It’s all doom and gloom.

Another time I decided to put money in my bed socks
But then I’d search in my knickers drawer.
Why do I have these mental blocks?
I know I’ll write out A SAFE PLACE STICKER
And go out and buy a cash box
And then for an extra precaution
I’ll purchase two padlocks!!
illustration by ume-nori

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