Sheila Charles SUGAR IS SWEET

I went to stay with my old friend, Ann. I usually go once a year.
Arriving mid-morning, she asked, “Cup of tea, now you’re here?”
I answered in the affirmative. She placed it by me on a chair.
I sipped it. Oh. No sugar, much to my despair.
I said nothing. Ann looked tired. The next cup of tea – the same!
Sugar was never mentioned though I realized I was to blame.
I only needed to say ‘sugar’, but I didn’t. Then the following day
I got up early and got my own breakfast. It was cornflakes, by the way.
There on the bench was the sugar jar, right by the coffee and tea.
It was empty. It was also obvious; at least it was to me,
That there’d not been any in it for ages. Then I remembered my friend
Saying she was trying to lose weight, so I decided to pretend
That I’d given up sugar, as well. I found it quite hard to do
As sugar is a big part of my life and I honestly thought Ann knew!
On my last day there, I insisted on paying for lunch in town.
Plenty of room inside luckily. We all found a seat and sat down.
I didn’t have tea – just water, but there on the table, guess?
A bowl of white and brown sugar lumps. Did they still make them? Apparently yes!
I’d not seen sugar lumps for years
Believe it or believe it not.
So, on the way out, I pinched one,
On the way to the parking lot.
I popped it quickly into my mouth,
Forgetting the NEW diet I was on.
I was ‘caught in the act ‘ by ‘mine hostess.’
I felt suitably woebegone.
“Sheila, I thought you didn’t have sugar?”
“I don’t usually,” I sighed.
“I was just going down memory lane –
Mum LOVED sugar. I was preoccupied.”
“My mother did as well,”
My hostess immediately replied.
“What a coincidence isn’t it?” she added.
illustration by ume- nori