Sheila Charles TAXI

I ordered a taxi in advance for that same night -7-25.
I stood glued to the window, waiting for it to arrive.
7-30 here it is. Oh, no. By the time I got out
It wasn’t there. Oh yes it was. There doors up. I gave a shout.
I was hoping he would back up as I was on a stick.
But no. No help forthcoming so I tried, in vain, to be quick.
It WAS my taxi. I checked. I got in. Oh dear. The door.
I had a real struggle closing it. It was like a tug of war.
Again, no help forthcoming – The same as before!
The driver hardly spoke. I chatted. I usually do.
I’d never met anyone like this. Well, maybe he was new.
So I asked him if he’d been driving long. ten years. Well that’s quite a few.
Then I thought, I’ll use his name.
I said, “I don’t know who you are.”
he gave me a rather vacant stare,
Then reached out and stood it back up!
Probably wondering why I should care!
This is when I pondered,
‘Is he genuine or what?’
I’d had lots of drivers in the past
But NEVER one called Scott!
Well, was it HIM or not?
Recently, on the news, a taxi driver, from a certain American State,
Had gunned down several passers-by. I do not exaggerate.
My mind went into overdrive and I started to speculate.
The next day I rang the taxi firm
And mentioned about this guy.
” He’S a LOVELY, LOVELY, FELLOW,” she said.
“He is just exceptionally shy.”
That is when I decided
That I watch FAR too much T.V.
It’S affecting my judgement.
You would have to agree.
Has anyone else experienced something similar?
Or is it just me?
illustration by ume-nori