Sheila Charles THAT IS FUNNY

A man and a woman looking into a purse
A man and a woman are looking into a purse expecting a loyalty card

illustration by ume-nori

I am really extremely fortunate
Because lots of things make me laugh.
Take today, at a local café
When I was out with my friend Daph.

We were ordering at the counter.
I said, “Choose what you want, I will pay.”
(Daphne drives me there so it’s only
Fair, at the end of the day.)

She remonstrates half-heartedly and then I insist.
It’s a little game we play each time so how can I resist?

I ordered a date and cheese scone.
The young man smiled and said,
“That is not an option,”
Meanwhile shaking his head.

“It is either date and orange
Or it’s gluten free cheese”
“Oh, sorry, my mistake,” I laughed.
“I’ll have date and orange please.”

Then my friend remembered that
She had a loyalty card
So she rummaged through her purse.
Well, that shouldn’t be too hard.

Except it was ‘cos she couldn’t find it.
She said, “It is a bright yellow.”
No luck. Then guess who joined in the rummaging?
Yes. The same young fellow.

So there the two of them were
Both rifling through her purse.
I decided not to join in
As it would only have made things worse!

Still no joy. Then Daph remembered
She had lent it to her husband, I know!
So all that searching for nothing.
It could well have been a tale of woe

But I could see the funny side as I always seem to do.
How many strangers have rifled through YOUR purse? One or two?
In my case, sadly, it’s none. Yes. I’m afraid it’s true.
But it inspired this silly poem which I am now reading to you!

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