Isn’t T.V. an amazing invention?
The variety now is just great
And I don’t even have SKY.
But that is okay. I can wait.
Sometimes I wish I could ‘stay in the moment,’
Instead of having quickly to readjust
To being back in the here and now
But one best to-it’s simply a MUST!
But tonight I found it especially hard
And I am going to tell you why –
I was watching Tony Robinson on CHOICE.
He’s such an ‘easy to listen to’ guy.
The programme was called Ancient Tracks,
And the one he took today
Was an area I’d never visited.
Dartmoor’s pilgrim way!
The stories connected with each site
Were as varied as could be.
There was a sacrificial stone and stone crosses
As far as the eye could see.
One thing that excited me was
That Tony got excited too
About every new discovery.
I am that kind of person, it’s true!
(Whereas my sister’s not the least bit interested
In castles, ruins or stones!
If she’d had to go on an ancient track
It would have been punctuated with groans.)
I didn’t want Ancient Tracks to end.
I wanted it to go on and on.
I reckon those historical programmes
Are, well, second to none!
Of course it did come to an end
So I flicked over to channel one.
It happened to be Q and A.
Back to the real world. Oh no.
Why Americans put up with you who!
I couldn’t easily cope with that and so.
I switched it off because my mind
Was still on Tony Robinson’s great show!