My bed head is under a window
So at night time I wear a hat!
It doesn’t matter; no-one has ever seen it
With the exception of my friend Pat.
She rang me up from England.
I was only half-awake!
She was on Face-time on my ipad.
For her it was evening, for me, day-break!
There was no time to whip off my woolly hat
So I felt that I had to explain
That a draught came in through my window
So my hat was warming my brain!
I also apologised
For not looking my best.
I was in my night attire
Whereas she was fully dressed.
Because we were very old friends –
I had known her since we were both eight,
It really did not matter at all,
As she was my closest mate.
But normally I minded how I looked,
So when visitors came to call,
I dressed up a bit, I have to admit.
then once they’d gone down the hall,
I’d change out my glad rags
Back into my comfy clothes, yes.
And hope they would not suddenly return
And see me there looking a mess!
(Sometimes I don’t get dressed all day.
That to me is a real treat
But if someone appears unexpectedly
And I’m obliged to meet and greet,
I tell a wee, white lie
When I answer the doorbell.
I feel ashamed admitting I’m just not dressed
So I say I am not very well!
Then I put my hang dog expression on
And hope they won’t be able to tell!)
illustration by ume-nori