Sheila Charles UP UP AND AWAY

The last thing on my bucket list was a helicopter ride.
I booked one for last weekend. Certain conditions applied.
Mainly, of course, the weather. But fortunately, that day.
We were able to fly provided we set off straight away.
We did. Though the pilot warned
Of turbulence. I said,
“Bring it on. I don’t mind turbulence.”
He looked bemused and shook his head.
(I felt like a bit of excitement.
Well, I thought I did.)
It was like being in a great big pot
With nearly as great a big lid!
BUT there was nothing to hold on to,
Much to my surprise.
I was expecting, at least, a handrail,
So I couldn’t believe my eyes,
When the only thing to grab
Was the pilot’s steering stick
oh, dear. I suddenly worried
That I might become airsick!
“Don’t bother with the turbulence after all.
I thought there’d be hand rails.
I’ll just have to grab your steering stick.
If all else fails.
We lifted off and glided along
To the nearest mountain top
Where I slid out for a photograph,
Overlooking a very sheer drop.
I hadn’t bargained for the fact
That you can slide DOWN onto the ground
But it’s impossible to slide back UP again.
At least, that’s what I found!
Somehow, I was bundled back in
And a photograph proves I went.
What’s more, I had ANOTHER dose of turbulence
On our swift descent.
Now, I’ll have to write a NEW bucket list.
What will be my next event? SKY DIVING?
illustration by ume-nori