It appears, sp the experts tell me
– We think we’re better looking than we are!
We tend to think we resemble
A famous T.V. or movie star.

I can go one better than that –
I think I resemble the Queen!
Look at the photo in my driver’s license
And you’ll see what I mean!

I still carry it around with me
Though I no longer drive. Yes.
I show it to everybody.
“Who does that look like?” I say. “Guess.”

Sadly now the Queen and I are now older
And she is extremely rich,
She has kept her beautiful looks,
Whereas I look like an old witch.

So I’m showing my photo less and less
Although I suppose I could just say,
“I look like the Queen used to look
When she was in her heyday.”

AND when I look in the bedroom mirror
I seem to appear quite pretty
But when I pass the long mirror in the hall
I look ghastly-more’s the pity.

How come I look SO different
When I’m the same person? Well?
And which is the person other folk see?
The bedroom one or the hall one? Please tell!

Though to be perfectly honest
Nobody has said for years now,
“Sheila, you do look lovely.”
(Why do I care anyhow?)

Hang on, I returned from the hairdressers
And my neighbour said just now,
“Have you had your hair done Sheila?
You look just like the Queen.” Wow!

illustration by ume-nori

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