Sheila Charles VASES

I have some beautiful cut glass vases of all sizes and shapes
But I never have flowers to put in them. I only get chocolates and grapes!
So, I thought I’d assemble them all on the kitchen window sill.
The largest on the right. Will I get flowers? I hope I will.
There are five vases lined up,
From tall and fat to very small,
So, now it’s time to drop a few hints
To my friends-one and all!
It worked. A lady who comes in to clean
Brought me a lovely posy.
The Christmas lilies were too long for the vase
So I put them in a plastic jug.
The posy didn’t fit in any either.
I jammed it into a coffee mug.
When it was my birthday,
My son who lives abroad,
Sent a huge bouquet of flowers,
The crystal vases were all ignored.
Not large enough – would you believe.
An old bucket had to suffice.
The flower arrangement fitted in
Though it didn’t look very nice!
I’m jumping to the conclusion
That the folk who gave me the vases were wise.
They must have experimented also
And found each one was quite the wrong size!
SO, I’ve five presents to give to someone
Or five quiz nights – a vase as the prize!
The trouble with giving them as presents – Who actually gave them to ME?
I’d have to try to remember otherwise, you’d have to agree
I could inadvertently give the vase to the person who
Had given it to me in the first place. That could cause a hullabaloo.
No, I’ve had a brainwave. I know what I’ll do.
I’ll put artificial flowers in each then they’ll do.
I’ll put artificial flowers in each then they’ll last for ever.
Why didn’t I think of that before? Mainly, because I’m not very clever!
illustration by ume-nori