Sheila Charles YELLOW PAGES

I’ve got something in common with Wiliam Butler Yeats.
He once took six weeks to think of a theme. If he was still alive, We’d be mates!
Luckily these days lots of ideas keep popping into my head.
Take yesterday for example; I was throwing the birds some bread.
I snibbed the Yale lock on the way out and the snib bit flew to the floor
Right across the kitchen bouncing off the sliding glass door!
Because it broke off when the door was unlocked
I’d to get something done straight away
So I looked in the yellow pages.
Locksmiths were in. Hooray.
He’d be round in half an hour. He was.
It took him five minutes – or less.
He wanted paying there and then.
I’d pay him by cheque. Yes.
I had one cheque left in my cheque book.
It was in a bedroom drawer.
Off I went to fetch it
Asking, “How much will it be for?”
Well, the drawer just wouldn’t open.
“Could you help me?” I asked. “It’s stuck.”
he tried for at least five minutes
As it was the top drawer. Just my lick!
I said, “Add the time onto the price.”
I’m not sure whether he did
But in the end, it came to
One hundred and forty-five quid!
On his way out, I thanked him.
“Thanks a lot for opening that drawer”
if he hadn’t, managed it, what would I
have looked in the phone book for?
(What would opening a drawer the under, O wonder?
I’d be searching for evermore!)
I COULD ask my kind neighbour again
But he’d already changed the light,
Fixed the curtain rail, glued a knob.
Asking again wouldn’t seem right.
(However, if the next little job, ISN’T in my bedroom,
illustration by ume-nori