Sometimes a friend will say,
You should watch ‘such and such.’
I would try to, but often found
That I didn’t enjoy it that much.
Did this mean they didn’t know me that well?
Or else why would they think I’d watch THAT?
Have I EVER shown an interest in court scenes or violence?
If I have, I’ll eat my hat.
One programme one friend recommended,
I decided, for her sake, to try.
I only lasted the first couple of minutes.
So are you going to ask me why?
I’ll tell you. A man got his face slit open
And, into the bargain, lost an eye!
The same thing used to happen with films
But now I very rarely go,
So it isn’t an issue any more
And I can get it on a D.V.D. I know!
Just lately friends have started to say,
“You MUST read this book.
I know you’ll really enjoy it.”
But they seem to overlook
The fact that I already HAVE a pile of books
That I really want to read.
I’ve still some from the Regent book sale last year.
I could swear blind that books can breed!
Then I went and did the same thing today.
You see, I never read a book twice,
So once I’d finished Malala,
Because I am generous and quite nice,
I said to my friend, “You should read this.
That’S my candid advice.”
She answered. “I’ve lots of books to read.”
That made me recall
how I’d felt when someone had asked me that.
That was a wake-up call.
Will I ever ask that again?
Let’s see. Pass me my crystal ball.
It says I will. Oh dear.
Hang on. It’s not fool proof after all!
illustration by ume-nori