Sheila Charles A TREAT

I was shopping at the supermarket
When I decided to have a treat.
There was a new kind of pastry on sale.
It was made of oats and wheat.
The picture on the box looked so tempting.
There were six different kinds on display.
There was only one left of the sort
So it must be very popular Eh?
I couldn’t wait to sample it
So as soon as I got in
I put the jug on and brewed some tea.
(Okay, I’ve no self-discipline!)
Out came the fruit pastry box.
Raspberry and blueberry. Yes.
There were five little packets inside.
I didn’t even need scissors. Success.
I was a little bit disappointed
To discover they were quite small.
Half the size of the one shown on the box
But, sadly, that wasn’t all –
The amount of fruit in the pastry
Was infinitesimal. Oh no!
I almost needed a magnifying glass,
AND I ate the thing all in one go!
So I ripped open a second one.
I felt I needed to check.
Perhaps I had just been unlucky.
I bit into it. Oh, heck!
It was the same as the first one.
Where on earth was the pictured fruit?
It was a thin strip of colour-pink!
My disappointment was acute.
I ended up eating all five at once as I was hoping against hope.
That one might have a generous helping of fruit but sadly NOPE!
Then I re-looked at the box and this is what it read-
Raspberry and blueberry FLAVOUR! Not fruit, simply flavoured spread!
My fault for being hasty. I might just as well have had bread and jam instead!
illustration by ume-nori