Sheila Charles

A FRIEND AND I decided
To join a group that met in town
So, off we set, paid our sub,
Went into the hall and sat down.

After the speaker had spoken
There was a cup of tea and a cake.
Whoever had done the refreshments
Could definitely bake!

A gentleman joined our table.
He seemed quite attracted to ME!
We engaged in light-hearted banter
And witty repartee.

My friend also noticed.
She commented, ‘You got on very well.’
In fact, she suggested, on our way home,
That I pluck up courage and give him a bell!

I found out his phone number
From one of the other ladies there.
She didn’t enquire why I wanted it.
She seemingly didn’t care.
And I did not enlighten her
To be scrupulously fair.
(Actually not giving a reason
Was for ME rather rare!)

I thought about it for a while
And then, the very next day,
With encouragement from my friend,
I rang him. His name, by the way, was Ray.
I didn’t really even know
What I was going to say!

As it tuned out, it didn’t matter.
I phoned and said, ‘Ray, is that you?
It’s Sheila from the Tuesday group.’
He answered brusquely. ‘WHO?’
I quietly said, ‘Wrong number.’
Then put the phone down. What else could I do?’

A woman who is disappointed with a response from a man
A woman is disappointed to hear a man’s response.

illustration by ume-nori

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