I bet everyone has a story.
So far I have only three.
Correction-one has yet to happen
But it’s bound to do. Just wait and see.
I keep my keys in a Turkish purse
So before I get off the bus,
I unzip the purse with the door key in.
It saves a last minute fuss.
The thing is, this thought keeps on going
Round and round in my mind –
If I can’t open the purse, I can’t get in,
Which would be more than a bit of a bind!
My second zip story – I changed my handbag
To one that matched my dress.
It was so hot that I stuffed my scarf into it
And zipped it back up again. Yes.
Then it refused to open but luckily,
The friend who was with me had more success.
My third story. Should I wait
Until it actually happens? No.
I decided to wear a new top and skirt.
the skirt had a zip on SO –
I zipped it up and went out with my friend.
Then when she dropped me back,
I invited her in for a minute
Before I hit the sack.
I said, “I’ve a funny feeling about the zip.
It looks dodgy – I don’t know why.
And I don’t fancy going to bed wearing a skirt.
I want you with me while I give it a try.”
Was I glad I had her with me?
Cynics, you may scoff.
But try as I might and I did try,
I couldn’t get the damn thing off!
She took a while but she managed it.
Who could I have asked at night?
Could I have asked the flat full of men next door,
“Help me take my skirt off?” Yeah right!
illustration by ume-nori