
Welcome to a little delightful poetry show, TEA TIME.
Do you like writing or reading poems?
And have you ever dreamt of having your own show or gallery for your poems?
If so, you have come to exactly the right place for you.
I have got a friend who likes poem writing and reciting with her funny poems.
She is a tower of strength and means to me a lot.
Despite the fact that she does a great deal for me, I have done only little for her.
When I thought of having my website, I thought that it would be time and chance to do something for my dearest friend.
I decided to make a show of her poems. She and many people can see her poems on the web, which she may be pleased with.
So, Poetry Show was originally started for my dearest friend.
Then, I developed this original idea of mine.
There may be many people like my dearest friend who is kind and sweet.
They may be living not a particularly spectacular life but ordinary life.
They will enjoy writing, maybe secretly dreaming of being a lovely hero or heroine with their talent.
I like those sweet and beloved people and want to do something with them.
So, I decided that Poetry Show would be for not only my dearest friend but also many other dearest people.
TEA TIME is a poetry show where anyone who loves poetry can take part in.
Only what you have to do is write, send and wait to see.
I will type your poem exactly what you wrote and put it here
with an introduction and some decoration or my illustration free.
Now, shall we begin the showtime? Yes, let’s!
Today’s poet is……