Sheila Charles PRESENTS

I do live a sheltered life.
This I have to admit.
I very rarely look round the shops.
I am afraid that it is!
So when I received a parcel
In the post yesterday,
There was this amazing pen.
I couldn’t believe it eh?
It not only had two colours of ink –
Black as well as red –
It also had a pencil
You could choose to use instead.
Plus, there was a rubber
Under a small cap at the end.
And my name was engraved on it.
A birthday gift from a dear friend.
She always selects really neat presents.
I’ll list some of them here –
Beautiful blouses, dressing gowns, gloves.
They always look rather dear!
If she chooses books
They’re ones I really love to read.
She just seems to anticipate
My every need.
She also knows that I like chocolate.
She has sent pretty jewellery too.
You are probably wondering
Why I’m telling all this to YOU>
The fact is that I’m hopeless
At choosing presents for HER. I know!
I ended up sending her MY poetry books.
English is her second language SO
They would be quite difficult to read
And with my sense of humour, oh well!
Even sometimes I can’t understand it.
That is it in a nutshell.
So if anyone has any suggestions
For ‘present buying’, please tell.
illustration by ume-nori