Sheila Charles QUIET AS A MOUSE
I never cease to surprise myself
And family members as well!
This incident happened yesterday
That I am about to tell.
My daughter drove round to give me a lift.
I was all ready, by the front door.
I slipped into the front passenger seat
As I’d done many times before.
I chattered on, the way I do.
I think it’s because I live alone
That when I see folk face to face
Or even get someone by phone,
I always have plenty to say.
(I’d like to bet I’m not on my own!)
We arrived at the supermarket.
I opened my door and got out
And THERE was my daughter’s partner.
What was that all about?
How did she manage to arrive
So quickly on the scene?
Had she been waiting for us?
If so, how long had she been?
And if she’d been waiting a while
How come she looked so serene?
Then the truth suddenly dawned.
She hadn’t actually come far.
She was there all the time –
In the back seat of the car!
And I’d been so busy yapping
I’d not even seen her there.
I was SO ashamed of myself.
Guilty as charged, to be fair.
I apologised profusely.
Something I do rather a lot.
Thank goodness I hadn’t talked about HER.
That wouldn’t have been so hot!
Though, to be honest I couldn’t remember
Whether I had or not!
illustration by ume nori