DO you ever tell a stranger
Something you’ve never told anyone before?
Well, I did just that today –
And wait – I’ll tell you more.
I was ambling down the main street

A lady came walking by
And I complimented her on her looks.
Please don’t ask me why.
I said to her “You look beautiful.”
I meant every word. Then I said,
“I really like your outfit.”
She stopped, smiled and nodded her head.
Then I added, conspiratorially,
“I’ve never told anyone this before
But MY coat belonged to an old friend
Who went into a rest home in Gore.
She gave me a bag of clothes,
Saying, “Take these for me to the op shop.”
And there was this purple jacket,
Lying there, right on the top.
So I kept it for myself.
I’ve felt guilty ever since.
Even while I was telling her,
I could have sworn I saw her wince!
Then SHE confined in ME.
That when HER husband dies,
The doctor who lived next door to them
Was honest – he could have lied –
He’d offered to take her husband’s clothes
To the Salvation Army AND
He’d removed two shirts and a jacket.
It wasn’t exactly planned.
She told him she didn’t mind one bit
And had said, “I totally understand.”
So, a doctor I don’t know
And ME who I do
Are waring someone else’s coat.
(They were both, by the way, brand new!)
How many other folk, I wonder
Are wearing someone else’s coat? ARE YOU?