Sheila Charles A DUMMY
Have you ever experience this –
you are at a party or a social do
But you don’t know anybody
As only the host and hostess know you?
So you sit in solitary splendour
Whilst everyone else around
Seems to be really enjoying themselves.
You’re just sitting, not making a sound.
This happened to a friend of mine, so all of a sudden she said,
“I’m sitting here like a dummy; I might as well be dead.”
When she told me her story, I said to her, “Okay,
Let us make a list of other things that we could say.”
(In Manchester we had this expression –
‘I feel like Piffy on a rock bun,’
I’ve sometimes used that expression here,
Usually in fun.)
At one do I was tempted to tell everyone
That I was the most unusual person there
As I’d had many life experiences
That I was more than willing to share
But I didn’t bother as I realised
That no-one would probably care!!
Why is it that some people think
That once you get a little bit old
That you turn into a pumpkin?
Well, I’ve decided to get bold.
So I say something outrageous
And hope to elicit a smile
Or better still a belly laugh.
That would be great, once in a while.
(Take last week at the doctors,
I walked into the waiting room and
Announced, “We’re having a sing song.
Bring out the baby grand.”)
Five out of six looked perplexed but I did get one friendly remark,
So, to me it was worth it. A guy said, “You’re a bright spark.”
illustration by ume-nori